Welcome to The Still Waters Blog!

This site was created in a lot of love and a nudge to just talk about the journey of life, along with my thoughts on healing, learning, becoming who we authentically are, and moving into our purpose for being here. Keep in mind, it’s only my perspective. I value yours as well! I love to learn from others and have found that kind of education, along with personal experience, most valuable of all.

On the “Blog” page you’ll find my writings. Once in a while I’ll share experiences or recommendations to products which you will find on the “Products and Links” page. You can read more about me and my journey on the “About” page.

Please join me on this journey of living. It’s crazy and messy sometimes. You won’t see perfection here. It might be real, though! Part of being whole is learning to embrace all aspects of what we experience. Good and bad, light and dark, fear and love. When we bring all the parts and pieces together, we can come back HOME.